Stata: Kaplan-Meir曲線


sts graph, by(drug)



sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure    ytitle("Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome" " ", size(small))  ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid)  ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6)    xtitle(" " "Observational period (year)", size(small))  xlabel(0 "0" 12 "1" 24 "2" 36 "3" 48 "4", labsize(small))  xtick(0(6)48)   title("A", size("medlarge") span position(11))    plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black))    legend(ring(0) position(5) cols(1) region(lcolor(white)) order(1 "Non-user (n=20)" 2 "User (n=28)") size(small) title("Drug use", size("small") color("black")))    risktable(0(12)48, size(small) order(1 "Non-user" 2 "User") rowtitle(, justification(left)) title(, size(small)))    text(1 48 "P<0.001", placement(sw) size(small))    graphregion(color(white) lcolor(white))



A4サイズ(8.27 × 11.69インチ)に2 x 3個のグラフが収まるサイズにしたいので、図のサイズを3.7 × 3.7 インチに設定します。

sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7)
sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7)



sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure
sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure


Y軸名(ytitle)を”Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome”にします。デフォルトの文字サイズは大きいので、小さくします(small)。デフォルト設定のままだと軸と軸名がくっつきすぎるので、Y軸名に空白行を1行挿入して、軸と軸名の間隔を少し広げます。


sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure    ytitle("Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome" " ", size(small))  ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid)  ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6)
sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure ytitle(“Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome” ” “, size(small)) ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid) ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6)


X軸名(xtitle)を”Observational period (year)”にします。デフォルトの文字サイズは大きいので、小さくします(small)。デフォルト設定のままだと軸と軸名がくっつきすぎるので、X軸名に空白行を1行挿入して、軸と軸名の間隔を少し広げます。

追跡期間データの単位は月(0〜48)ですが、X軸の単位を年に変換するために、第0, 12, 24, 36, 48月に0, 1, 2, 3, 4を表示させます。目盛り線(tick)の間隔を6ヶ月にします。ラベルの文字を少し小さくします(small)。

sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure    ytitle("Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome" " ", size(small))  ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid)  ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6)    xtitle(" " "Observational period (year)", size(small))  xlabel(0 "0" 12 "1" 24 "2" 36 "3" 48 "4", labsize(small))  xtick(0(6)48)
sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure ytitle(“Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome” ” “, size(small)) ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid) ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6) xtitle(” ” “Observational period (year)”, size(small)) xlabel(0 “0” 12 “1” 24 “2” 36 “3” 48 “4”, labsize(small)) xtick(0(6)48)



sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure    ytitle("Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome" " ", size(small))  ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid)  ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6)    xtitle(" " "Observational period (year)", size(small))  xlabel(0 "0" 12 "1" 24 "2" 36 "3" 48 "4", labsize(small))  xtick(0(6)48)   title("A", size("medlarge") span position(11))    
sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure ytitle(“Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome” ” “, size(small)) ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid) ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6) xtitle(” ” “Observational period (year)”, size(small)) xlabel(0 “0” 12 “1” 24 “2” 36 “3” 48 “4”, labsize(small)) xtick(0(6)48) title(“A”, size(“medlarge”) span position(11))



sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure ytitle("Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome" " ", size(small)) ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid) ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6) xtitle(" " "Observational period (year)", size(small)) xlabel(0 "0" 12 "1" 24 "2" 36 "3" 48 "4", labsize(small)) xtick(0(6)48) title("A", size("medlarge") span position(11)) plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black))
sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure ytitle(“Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome” ” “, size(small)) ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid) ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6) xtitle(” ” “Observational period (year)”, size(small)) xlabel(0 “0” 12 “1” 24 “2” 36 “3” 48 “4”, labsize(small)) xtick(0(6)48) title(“A”, size(“medlarge”) span position(11)) plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black))


凡例を、生存曲線のプロット領域内(ring(0))の右下(5時方向)に、縦1列(cols(1))で表示する。枠線を白に設定して見えなくする(region(lcolor(white)))。カテゴリ名を”Drug use”にして、drugカテゴリ0には”Non-user (n=20)”を、drugカテゴリ1には”User (n=28)”を、黒文字で小さめに表示する。

sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure    ytitle("Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome" " ", size(small))  ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid)  ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6)    xtitle(" " "Observational period (year)", size(small))  xlabel(0 "0" 12 "1" 24 "2" 36 "3" 48 "4", labsize(small))  xtick(0(6)48)   title("A", size("medlarge") span position(11))    plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black))    legend(ring(0) position(5) cols(1) region(lcolor(white)) order(1 "Non-user (n=20)" 2 "User (n=28)") size(small) title("Drug use", size("small") color("black")))
sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure ytitle(“Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome” ” “, size(small)) ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid) ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6) xtitle(” ” “Observational period (year)”, size(small)) xlabel(0 “0” 12 “1” 24 “2” 36 “3” 48 “4”, labsize(small)) xtick(0(6)48) title(“A”, size(“medlarge”) span position(11)) plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black)) legend(ring(0) position(5) cols(1) region(lcolor(white)) order(1 “Non-user (n=20)” 2 “User (n=28)”) size(small) title(“Drug use”, size(“small”) color(“black”)))

Number at riskを追加する

Number at riskを12ヶ月毎に追加する。drugカテゴリ名は小さめ(small)に左揃えで”Non-user”と”User”と表示する。

sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure    ytitle("Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome" " ", size(small))  ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid)  ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6)    xtitle(" " "Observational period (year)", size(small))  xlabel(0 "0" 12 "1" 24 "2" 36 "3" 48 "4", labsize(small))  xtick(0(6)48)   title("A", size("medlarge") span position(11))    plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black))    legend(ring(0) position(5) cols(1) region(lcolor(white)) order(1 "Non-user (n=20)" 2 "User (n=28)") size(small) title("Drug use", size("small") color("black")))    risktable(0(12)48, size(small) order(1 "Non-user" 2 "User") rowtitle(, justification(left)) title(, size(small)))
sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure ytitle(“Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome” ” “, size(small)) ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid) ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6) xtitle(” ” “Observational period (year)”, size(small)) xlabel(0 “0” 12 “1” 24 “2” 36 “3” 48 “4”, labsize(small)) xtick(0(6)48) title(“A”, size(“medlarge”) span position(11)) plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black)) legend(ring(0) position(5) cols(1) region(lcolor(white)) order(1 “Non-user (n=20)” 2 “User (n=28)”) size(small) title(“Drug use”, size(“small”) color(“black”))) risktable(0(12)48, size(small) order(1 “Non-user” 2 “User”) rowtitle(, justification(left)) title(, size(small)))


XY座標(1, 48)の左下(sw = southwest)にテキスト”P<0.001″を追加する。

sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure    ytitle("Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome" " ", size(small))  ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid)  ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6)    xtitle(" " "Observational period (year)", size(small))  xlabel(0 "0" 12 "1" 24 "2" 36 "3" 48 "4", labsize(small))  xtick(0(6)48)   title("A", size("medlarge") span position(11))    plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black))    legend(ring(0) position(5) cols(1) region(lcolor(white)) order(1 "Non-user (n=20)" 2 "User (n=28)") size(small) title("Drug use", size("small") color("black")))    risktable(0(12)48, size(small) order(1 "Non-user" 2 "User") rowtitle(, justification(left)) title(, size(small)))    text(1 48 "P<0.001", placement(sw) size(small))
sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure ytitle(“Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome” ” “, size(small)) ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid) ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6) xtitle(” ” “Observational period (year)”, size(small)) xlabel(0 “0” 12 “1” 24 “2” 36 “3” 48 “4”, labsize(small)) xtick(0(6)48) title(“A”, size(“medlarge”) span position(11)) plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black)) legend(ring(0) position(5) cols(1) region(lcolor(white)) order(1 “Non-user (n=20)” 2 “User (n=28)”) size(small) title(“Drug use”, size(“small”) color(“black”))) risktable(0(12)48, size(small) order(1 “Non-user” 2 “User”) rowtitle(, justification(left)) title(, size(small))) text(1 48 “P<0.001”, placement(sw) size(small))


  • c = centered on the point, vertically and horizontally
  • n = above the point, centered
  • ne = above and to the right of the point
  • e = right of the point, vertically centered
  • se = below and to the right of the point
  • s = below point, centered
  • sw = below and to the left of the point
  • w = left of the point, vertically centered
  • nw = above and to the left of the point




sts graph, xsize(3.7) ysize(3.7) by(drug) failure    ytitle("Cumulative probability of incidence of outcome" " ", size(small))  ylabel(0.0(0.2)1, angle(0) labsize(small) format(%9.1f) nogrid)  ytick(0.0(0.1)0.6)    xtitle(" " "Observational period (year)", size(small))  xlabel(0 "0" 12 "1" 24 "2" 36 "3" 48 "4", labsize(small))  xtick(0(6)48)   title("A", size("medlarge") span position(11))    plot1opt(lpattern(dash)) plot2opt(lpattern(solid)) plotopt(lcolor(black))    legend(ring(0) position(5) cols(1) region(lcolor(white)) order(1 "Non-user (n=20)" 2 "User (n=28)") size(small) title("Drug use", size("small") color("black")))    risktable(0(12)48, size(small) order(1 "Non-user" 2 "User") rowtitle(, justification(left)) title(, size(small)))    text(1 48 "P<0.001", placement(sw) size(small))    graphregion(color(white) lcolor(white))